關於我們 About Us
Be kind to yourself:
Nurture your body, mind and soul
A warm welcome to Zi Massage and Wellness
We invite you to to embark on a holistic sensory journey, rediscovering the patterns of harmony in your body, mind and soul.
A ritual of spiritual healing for you to restore your physical balance and inner harmony.
Get in Touch With Us
Email: info@zi-massageandwellness.com
立即預約: https://wa.me/85265248869
全新泰式按摩服務 . 地址:尖沙咀海港城世界商業中心1409室 營業時間:1200-2200 電話 : 66602763 . 地址:旺角家樂坊2103室 營業時間:1200-2200 電話 : 26688228